Call for papers: Autumn meeting 2018

Neolithic Studies Group
November 2018
Call for papers

Houses of the dead?
Alistair Barclay, David Field and Jim Leary

Despite the chronological disjuncture, LBK longhouses have widely been considered to provide ancestral influence for both rectangular and trapezoidal long barrows and cairns, but with the discovery and excavation of more houses in recent times is it possible to observe evidence of more contemporary inspiration? What do the features found beneath long mounds tell us about this and to what extent do they represent domestic structures? Indeed, can we distinguish between domestic houses or halls and those that may have been constructed for ritual purposes or ended up beneath mounds? Do so-called ‘mortuary enclosures’ reflect ritual or domestic architecture and did side ditches always provide material for a mound or for some other purpose, such as building construction? This seminar will seek to explore the interface between structures often considered for the living with those often considered for the dead, and what role they played in earlier Neolithic society.

Papers that address these issues are welcomed. The organisers will be pleased to hear from potential contributors at an early date.